Sponsored by the College Options Foundation, teams of Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Cadets from across the country can participate in the Army JROTC Academic and Leadership Bowls. The benefits of participating include improved SAT/ACT scores, increased interest in college admissions, increased leadership skills, hands- on and interactive learning, and relating leadership skills to the historic monuments and memorials they visit when they advance to the final round in Washington, DC.The JROTC Academic Bowl tests Cadets on their knowledge by using SAT/ACT-type questions in the areas of JROTC curriculum, English, math and science. One of the main goals of the JROTC Academic Bowl is to prepare students for state exit/graduation exams as well as college entrance exams, such as the SAT and ACT.The JROTC Leadership Bowl tests Cadets on their knowledge by hands- on and interactive learning. One of the main goals of the JROTC Leadership Bowl is to challenge students to think outside the box and encourage them to discover and utilize their leadership styles.Courtesy of:http://www.armyedspace.com/programs/