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Lenape High School


Special Forces Association (SFA) Award



The Special Forces Association (SFA) ROTC Award is an awards program developed jointly by the Special Forces Association and the U.S. Army ROTC/JROTC command. The program is designed to recognize outstanding cadets in the junior (JROTC) and senior (ROTC) programs in as many high schools or colleges in the vicinity of a SFA Chapter and/or a member of the SFA around the nation as possible.


This is an "Award of Excellence" made available to recognize the "Distinguished Military Science Cadet" of any given ROTC/JROTC Unit. The award is not limited to Army ROTC/JROTC cadets, but cadets in Air Force, Navy and Marine programs as well.


The selection criteria to receive this award is:


  • The cadet has achieved a high level of overall Scholastic Excellence in their school
  • The cadet has demonstrated a high level of Military Proficiency
  • The cadet must know and keep the Traditions and Ideals of the U.S. Army Special Forces
  • The cadet must be an American Citizen
  • It is expected that the cadet will, in fact, be the “Distinguished Military Science Cadet” of their school's program.