Lenape Special Education Programs
In-class Support -
A regular education teacher and a special education teacher work together in general education classes. All students in the class, whether classified or not, receive academic and organizational support.
Pull-out Replacement -
These classes are taught by special education teachers and include only special education students. This placement is for students requiring a much more supportive instructional program. Pull-out replacement is offered at every grade level in English and Math. Class size is limited by state mandate.
Pull-out Support - Individual Studies -
The purpose of this program is to empower students with study skills and strategies so that they may achieve academic success in their high school classes. These skills will also be of value in a post-secondary setting. Organizational and study skills, self-advocacy and learning style awareness are emphasized. The individual studies teacher monitors each student's academic progress in all of their classes and along with regular education teachers, is in contact with parents regarding academic progress.
Self-contained Placements -
These programs are for those students requiring a much more concentrated instructional program. There are program options for students with different learning, developmental and emotional difficulties. Programs are designed to address the unique needs of the individual student.
Out of District Placements -
Students who need more intensive services than the four high schools can provide attend alternative schools. These are public and private schools usually located in the area and transportation is provided.
Sequoia High School -
This is a separate program within the district that provides a highly structured environment involving intense academic remediation and instruction, interactive discipline and counseling and varied opportunities for social and emotional development.
Inclusion -
The vast majority of classified students are being served in regular programs with support or minimal pullout. The district offers a full spectrum of services and also has programs with special schools. The objective is to provide every student with programs designed to meet his or her needs.