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Lenape High School Approved Social Media Accounts

Lenape HS Primary Social Media Accounts

Social Media Type Social Media Handle
X @LenapePride
Instagram @LenapePride1
X @LenapeAthletics
YouTube Lenape Digital Media

Lenape HS Academic Social Media Accounts

Social Media Type Account Name Social Media Handle
X Health & PE Department @LenapeHPE
X Lenape High School U.S. Army JROTC @LenapeArmyJROTC
Instagram Lenape High School U.S. Army JROTC
X Media Center @LenapeHSLibrary
X Counseling Department @LenapeCounselor
X Foundations of Leadership Class @LenapeLeaders
Instagram Lenape Fashions @Lenapefashions
Instagram Lenape Family & Consumer Sciences @lenapefcs

Lenape HS Athletic Social Media Accounts

Social Media Type Account Name Social Media Handle
X Athletic Department @LenapeAthletics
X Field Hockey @LenapeFHockey
X Athletic Training @LenapeAT
Facebook Athletic Training LenapeAT

Lenape HS Extracurricular Social Media Accounts

Social Media Type Account Name Social Media Handle
Instagram Lenape Science League @LenScienceLeague
Instagram Renaissance @lenaperen
X Renaissance @LenapeRen
Instagram Hero Club @lenapeheroclub
Instagram SADD Club @lenapesaddclub
Instagram FCCLA @lenfccla
Instagram Asian Club @lenapeasianclub
X Lenape Theater @LenapeTheater
Instagram FRC 2720 Red Watch Robotics @frc2720_redwatch
TikTok FRC 2720 Red Watch Robotics @redwatch2720
Instagram Astronomy Club @lenapeastroclub
Instagram Lenape Tri-M Music Honors Society @lenape_music
X Lenape Smoke Signal (School Newspaper) @smokesignalLHS
Instagram Lenape Smoke Signal (School Newspaper) @lenapesmokesignalnews